Crystal Reports Training Series

    Version 8.8 family, 9.0 family and beyond


    Carl Britton Lewis
    Chief SAP Business One Ambassador


    Welcome to Carl's Crystal Reports Training Series

    How to use Crystal Reports for SAP Business One is perhaps the most requested training content. In the eight sessions contained in this landing page we have prepared lessons that will guide you on your way to creating your very own Crystal Reports. Intended for Beginners and Intermediate users we know you will find value from these materials.

    Some lessons include as many as five elements which may include a PDF Guide, Word Documents Exercise, PDF Notes, a Crystal Reports file, and of course a Video Recording of the Exercise.

    The 8 Lessons are:

    • Lesson 1 - Introductions and Course Overview
    • Lesson 2 - Understanding the Business One Data Model & Data Source
    • Lesson 3 - Crystal Reports Designer Basics
    • Lesson 4 - Using Formulas
    • Lesson 5 - Filtering Report Data
    • Lesson 6 - Formatting Your Report
    • Lesson 7 - Using Parameters
    • Lesson 8 – Cross Tabs & Charts

    We sincerely hope putting this series into your hands will help you become acquainted with Crystal Reports in SAP Business One and the many possibilities this powerful tool can deliver



    LESSON 1

    Introductions and Course Overview

    Carl Lewis introduces how to create customized Crystal Reports inside of SAP Business One. Intended for Beginners and Intermediate users.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now


    LESSON 2

    Lesson 2 - Understanding the Business One Data Model & Data Source

    Carl delves into the topic of finding the data needed to create crystal reports, outlining additional tips and tricks.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 3

    Lesson 3 - Crystal Reports Designer Basics

    Basics of Crystal Reports Designer - primarily including a review of how the designer screen is organized and modified while creating reports.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 4

    Lesson 4 - Using Formulas

    Crystal Reports gives us a method to add up all the individual invoices for a customer and name it LTD Revenue - it's called a formula.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 5

    Lesson 5 - Filtering Report Data

    Carl will equip you to become an effective report creator for your organization. Learn how to: filter and group data; and create  totals.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 6

    Lesson 6 - Formatting Your Report

    Ways to design your report to enhance user readability; creating white space; color coding; and highlighting specific fields

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 7

    Lesson 7 - Using Parameters

    How to make one report do the work of countless reports through the use of parameters and prompts.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now

    LESSON 8

    Lesson 8 – Cross Tabs & Charts

    Carl explains Charts and Crosstabs, outlining additional tips and tricks to point you in the right direction for the future.

    Resources to use:

    Watch Now